Setup of VMM for POC or Lab Environment

The purpose of this article is to give a overview of setting up VMM 2012 R2 in a POC / Lab environment for evaluation or if you are like me as the foundation to building your Private Cloud.

Note* – It is not recommended that this architectural design should serve a production environment.

For most environments a VMM Server along with an accompanying SQL Server will suffice. If you intend to build many machines you may well want to ensure you have ALOT of storage!

Servers: VMM Host | SQL Host (Could exist on same box if this needed)

Service Accounts: VMM Service Account
SQL Service Account
VMM Admin Group (Place Service Account in this group)

VMM Server Prerequisites:

>Windows 8.1 ADK –
>VMM Admin Group as a local admin on all hosts

1. SQL Server Setup:

On the SQL database server, install SQL 2012 with SP1.

-This is not a best practices for SQL configuration. Consult your DBA team to ensure your SQL deployment is configured for best practice in your environment.

-Run setup, choose Installation > New Installation…

-When prompted for feature selection, install ALL of the following:

-Database Engine Services

-If you are going to be deploying a shared SQL server for other System Center components, you might consider adding:

-Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
-Reporting Services – Native
-Management Tools for administration – Basic and Complete

-On the Instance configuration, choose a default instance, or a named instance. Default instances are fine for testing and labs.

-On the Server configuration screen, set SQL Server Agent to Automatic.
-Use a Domain account for the service account.
-Input the DOMAIN\[SQL Service Account] account and password for Agent, Engine, and Reporting.

-On the Collation Tab – you can use the default which is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS or choose another supported collation.

-On the Account provisioning tab – add a domain user account or a group you already have set up for SQL admins.

-On the Data Directories tab – set your drive letters correctly for your SQL databases, logs, TempDB, and backup.

-On the Reporting Services Configuration – choose to Install and Configure. This will install and configure SRS to be active on this server, and use the default DBengine present to house the reporting server databases. This is the simplest configuration.

-Setup will complete.

-For the POC Windows Firewall will be disabled. If you wish to use Window firewall reference –

2. VMM Setup

-Log on using your domain user account that is a member of the SCVMMAdmins group.
-Run Setup.exe
-Click Install
-Select: VMM Management Server
VMM Console

-On the Product Registration – input a product key, otherwise the evaluation product will be installed. Click Next.

-Accept the license agreement and click Next.

-Configure the Customer Experience settings, and click Next.

-Configure to use Microsoft Update or note, click Next.

-Accept or change the default install path and click Next.

-If you get any Prerequisite errors – resolve them.

-On the Database Configuration screen, enter in the name of your SQL database server and leave port blank.
-You can leave “use the following credentials” blank if you are installing to the local SQL server.
-You can enter credentials here to connect to a remote SQL server if your user account you are running setup as does not have enough rights over the instance to create a database.

-Select the Instance Name to install to. Ensure “New Database” is checked and use the default name or change it to suit your naming standards. Click Next when this screen is complete.

-On the Account Configuration screen, enter the domain account for the SCVMM service account that we created earlier.
-Leave the default to store encryption keys locally for this simple deployment.
-These can be stored in AD although:
-Click Next.

-On the Port configuration screen, accept defaults and click Next.

-On the Library configuration screen, change the library path or accept the default location, and click Next.

-Click Install.

Setup will install all roles and complete.

Once installed your ready to start putting the components together ready to build your Private Cloud!!!!!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira LPM Automation LTD
London, United Kingdom