Category: Windows Server 2012

Installing MSE on Server 2012

Installing MSE on Server 2012

If you have a Server 2012 Host not part of your LAB and you wish to have security essentials installed until you have ConfigMgr up and running this can be done as outlined below:

NOTE* – Microsoft Security Essentials is designed for Windows 7 and is not compatible (nor supported) on Windows Server 2012.

But if you insist, you might as well end-up installing it on your Windows Server 2012.
1.Download a copy of MSE from Microsoft
2.Right Click on the “mseinstall.exe”.
3.Click on Properties.
4.Click on the “Compatibility”-tab.
5.Locate the “Compatibility mode”-section.
6.Check “Run this program in compatibility mode for:”.
7.Select From the (now active) dropdown menu “Windows 7″.
8.Open a Command Prompt as Administrator. to your Downloads folder (ie. cd C:\Users\%username%\Downloads).
10.Run “mseinstall /disableoslimit” and follow the installer prompts to install MSE on your Windows Server 2012.

Windows Server 2012 – Switch between Core and GUI

Windows Server 2012 – Switch between Core and GUI

Now in Windows Server 2012 there is no longer a one time decision to be made when you perform the installation of which GUI type you wish to imprint on the server.

This can be changed in using DISM with the following command.

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:ServerCore-FullServer /featurename:Server-Gui-Shell /featurename:Server-Gui-Mgmt

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